其它资料 ========= `Quick Start Guide `__ 通过一个可执行的demo来介绍Robot Framework最核心的内容, 初学者推荐阅读. .. note:: 以下是其它的一些资料, 都是英文的, 有的因为国情还不一定打的开, 就不翻译了. `Robot Framework demo `__ Simple example test cases. Demonstrates also creating custom test libraries. `Web testing demo `__ Demonstrates how to create tests and higher level keywords. The system under test is a simple web page that is tested using Selenium2Library_. `SwingLibrary demo `_ Demonstrates using SwingLibrary_ for testing Java GUI applications. `ATDD with Robot Framework `__ Demonstrates how to use Robot Framework when following Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) process.