本附录中列出了所有在 `执行测试用例`_ 和 `后处理输出`_ 时可用的命令行选项. 此外, 可影响执行的环境变量也列了出来.
-N, --name <name> Sets the name of the top-level test suite. -D, --doc <document> `Sets the documentation`_ of the top-level test suite. -M, --metadata <name:value> `Sets free metadata`_ for the top level test suite. -G, --settag <tag> `Sets the tag(s)`_ to all executed test cases. -t, --test <name> `Selects the test cases by name`_. -s, --suite <name> Selects the test suites by name. -R, --rerunfailed <file> `Selects failed tests`_ from an earlier `output file`_ to be re-executed. --runfailed <file> Deprecated since Robot Framework 2.8.4. Use --rerunfailed
instead.-i, --include <tag> `Selects the test cases`_ by tag. -e, --exclude <tag> `Selects the test cases`_ by tag. -c, --critical <tag> Tests that have the given tag are `considered critical`_. -n, --noncritical <tag> Tests that have the given tag are not critical. -v, --variable <name:value> Sets `individual variables`_. -V, --variablefile <path:args> Sets variables using `variable files`_. -d, --outputdir <dir> Defines where to `create output files`_. -o, --output <file> Sets the path to the generated `output file`_. -l, --log <file> Sets the path to the generated `log file`_. -r, --report <file> Sets the path to the generated `report file`_. -x, --xunit <file> Sets the path to the generated `xUnit compatible result file`_. --xunitskipnoncritical Mark non-critical tests on `xUnit compatible result file`_ as skipped. -b, --debugfile <file> A `debug file`_ that is written during execution. -T, --timestampoutputs `Adds a timestamp`_ to all output files. --splitlog `Split log file`_ into smaller pieces that open in browser transparently. --logtitle <title> `Sets a title`_ for the generated test log. --reporttitle <title> `Sets a title`_ for the generated test report. --reportbackground <colors> `Sets background colors`_ of the generated report. -L, --loglevel <level> `Sets the threshold level`_ for logging. Optionally the default `visible log level`_ can be given separated with a colon (:). --suitestatlevel <level> Defines how many `levels to show`_ in the Statistics by Suite table in outputs. --tagstatinclude <tag> `Includes only these tags`_ in the Statistics by Tag table. --tagstatexclude <tag> Excludes these tags from the Statistics by Tag table. --tagstatcombine <tags:title> Creates `combined statistics based on tags`_. --tagdoc <pattern:doc> Adds `documentation to the specified tags`_. --tagstatlink <pattern:link:title> Adds `external links`_ to the Statistics by Tag table. --removekeywords <all|passed|name:pattern|tag:pattern|for|wuks> `Removes keyword data`_ from the generated log file. --flattenkeywords <for|foritem|name:pattern|tag:pattern> Flattens keywords in the generated log file. --listener <name:args> `Sets a listener`_ for monitoring test execution. --warnonskippedfiles Show a warning when `an invalid file is skipped`_. --nostatusrc Sets the `return code`_ to zero regardless of failures in test cases. Error codes are returned normally. --runemptysuite Executes tests also if the selected `test suites are empty`_. --dryrun In the `dry run`_ mode tests are run without executing keywords originating from test libraries. Useful for validating test data syntax. --exitonfailure `Stops test execution <Stopping when first test case fails_>`__ if any critical test fails. --exitonerror `Stops test execution <Stopping on parsing or execution error_>`__ if any error occurs when parsing test data, importing libraries, and so on. --skipteardownonexit `Skips teardowns`_ is test execution is prematurely stopped. --prerunmodifier <name:args> Activate `programmatic modification of test data`_. --prerebotmodifier <name:args> Activate `programmatic modification of results`_. --randomize <all|suites|tests|none> `Randomizes`_ test execution order. --console <verbose|dotted|quiet|none> `Console output type`_. --dotted Shortcut for –console dotted. --quiet Shortcut for –console quiet. -W, --consolewidth <width> `Sets the width`_ of the console output. -C, --consolecolors <auto|on|ansi|off> `Specifies are colors`_ used on the console. -K, --consolemarkers <auto|on|off> Show `markers on the console`_ when top level keywords in a test case end. -P, --pythonpath <path> Additional locations to add to the `module search path`_. -E, --escape <what:with> `Escapes characters`_ that are problematic in the console. -A, --argumentfile <path> A text file to `read more arguments`_ from. -h, --help Prints `usage instructions`_. --version Prints the version information.
.. _Selects the test suites: `Selects the test cases by name`_.. _not critical: `considered critical`_.. _Excludes these tags: `Includes only these tags`_.. _empty test suites: `test suites are empty`_.. _version information: `usage instructions`_.. _Flattens keywords: `Removes keyword data`_.. _ending time: `starting time`_
-R, --merge Changes result combining behavior to `merging <merging outputs_>`__. --rerunmerge Deprecated since Robot Framework 2.8.6. Use --merge
instead.-N, --name <name> Sets the name of the top level test suite. -D, --doc <document> `Sets the documentation`_ of the top-level test suite. -M, --metadata <name:value> `Sets free metadata`_ for the top-level test suite. -G, --settag <tag> `Sets the tag(s)`_ to all processed test cases. -t, --test <name> `Selects the test cases by name`_. -s, --suite <name> Selects the test suites by name. -i, --include <tag> `Selects the test cases`_ by tag. -e, --exclude <tag> `Selects the test cases`_ by tag. -c, --critical <tag> Tests that have the given tag are `considered critical`_. -n, --noncritical <tag> Tests that have the given tag are not critical. -d, --outputdir <dir> Defines where to `create output files`_. -o, --output <file> Sets the path to the generated `output file`_. -l, --log <file> Sets the path to the generated `log file`_. -r, --report <file> Sets the path to the generated `report file`_. -x, --xunit <file> Sets the path to the generated `xUnit compatible result file`_. --xunitskipnoncritical Mark non-critical tests on `xUnit compatible result file`_ as skipped. -T, --timestampoutputs `Adds a timestamp`_ to all output files. --splitlog `Split log file`_ into smaller pieces that open in browser transparently. --logtitle <title> `Sets a title`_ for the generated test log. --reporttitle <title> `Sets a title`_ for the generated test report. --reportbackground <colors> `Sets background colors`_ of the generated report. -L, --loglevel <level> `Sets the threshold level`_ to select log messages. Optionally the default `visible log level`_ can be given separated with a colon (:). --suitestatlevel <level> Defines how many `levels to show`_ in the Statistics by Suite table in outputs. --tagstatinclude <tag> `Includes only these tags`_ in the Statistics by Tag table. --tagstatexclude <tag> Excludes these tags from the Statistics by Tag table. --tagstatcombine <tags:title> Creates `combined statistics based on tags`_. --tagdoc <pattern:doc> Adds `documentation to the specified tags`_. --tagstatlink <pattern:link:title> Adds `external links`_ to the Statistics by Tag table. --removekeywords <all|passed|name:pattern|tag:pattern|for|wuks> `Removes keyword data`_ from the generated outputs. --flattenkeywords <for|foritem|name:pattern|tag:pattern> Flattens keywords in the generated outputs. --starttime <timestamp> Sets the `starting time`_ of test execution when creating reports. --endtime <timestamp> Sets the ending time of test execution when creating reports. --nostatusrc Sets the `return code`_ to zero regardless of failures in test cases. Error codes are returned normally. --processemptysuite Processes output files even if files contain empty test suites. --prerebotmodifier <name:args> Activate `programmatic modification of results`_. -C, --consolecolors <auto|on|ansi|off> `Specifies are colors`_ used on the console. -P, --pythonpath <path> Additional locations to add to the `module search path`_. -E, --escape <what:with> `Escapes characters`_ that are problematic in the console. -A, --argumentfile <path> A text file to `read more arguments`_ from. -h, --help Prints `usage instructions`_. --version Prints the version information.
Environment variables for execution and post-processing¶
- Space separated list of default options to be placed `in front of any explicit options`__ on the command line.
- Path to a syslog_ file where Robot Framework writes internal information about parsing test case files and running tests.
- Log level to use when writing to the syslog_ file.
- When set to any non-empty value, Robot Framework’s internal methods are included in `error tracebacks`__.
Activate `programmatic modification of results`_.